Monday, April 11, 2011

Lent Promises

Each year, we all look at the calendar and see the date for Easter.  Then, we might glance at the forty days prior to this most special day and wonder about what can be given up this year.  Well, I really wasn't sure I wanted to give up anything this year.  I wasn't having these feelings because of angst toward the Church.  No.  The Committee and I gave up carbs, soda, and any other hateful (yet, extremely tempting) food known to man at the beginning of 2011.  So, I really wasn't sure what else to drop.  In years past, I've tried shedding harsh words, gossip, chocolate, etc.  Usually I give out somehwere around day 25.

"Show me, don't tell me."

So this year, I decided to give in rather than give up.  I decided to "give in" to the mothering around here.  I know you are thinking that I mother every single day, and I do.  But, I also tend to run from the mother-ish activities, most of the time.  Want to play on the floor?  Check with your brother.  Want to read a book?  Maybe tomorrow night.  Need to go to the theater and see a new movie? Let's call your grandmother.  Having four boys and a close grandma at hand has provided constant playmates around the clock and generally lets me off the hook.  So, during these 40 days, I'm trying to give in to the acts that make up my job description.

"Live life and live it good." 

I know it sounds easy.  But, let me tell you it isn't always easy at all.  It's easier to carry on with my other chores than giving up marking things of the "list" of life.  But, it is also easier to slow down my life and take the moments to love on those around me.  The sweet moments on the floor having match box cars run up and down my legs won't last very long.  One day, these boys will be driving away from my house in their own cars, and all I'll have are the memories from yesterday.  So, "giving in" isn't nearly as easy as "giving up" has been in the past.  But, it is proving to be much more memorable!

1 comment:

Rebekah said...

Great post! It's hard to make myself stop and just enjoy my children when there are so many other things that need to be done. Good reminder!