Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Welcome to our world!

{The Curlee Hairs - Minus the Tiniest Hair}
Need a family picture?  Ours were made by my dear friend Shannon.  Here's her

We are the Curlee Hairs. 

It is a strange name, but comes from years of repetition.  When making reservations at restaurants, I always have to spell my last name to those on the other end of the phone.  I routinely answer Curlee, like Curlee Hair (which is a poor choice given that it is not spelled correctly).  A great friend overheard me say this, and she has repeatedly remarked on the name.  So, hey, why not, let's just use this for our title for this blog for the time being. 

Let me not forget my manners and make introductions:

The Committee - My Husband - our fearless leader, Daddy, a worker bee, a finance major in graduate school who expects great fiscal responsibility from yours truly,  a lover of this mommy, true-blue through and through, quick to laugh, even quicker to make fun of himself, and most importantly, the greatest gift to my life from God.

The One-of-a-Kind Hair - our oldest- you know the type, He broke the mold after this one, came into this world his own way and does all things his own way, finds joy in meeting strangers, laughs often, loves wholeheartedly, sees the best in everyone and everything (except the Straight Hair), a bird of an eater, loses his patience often, openly weeps for the smallest wrongdoing, a precious bundle of energy that makes me smile everyday.

The Straight Hair - our true "middle-child" - on the straight and narrow at all times, always focusing on the task at hand, aims for completion and praise, questions everything, needs his daddy's kudos every day, needs dessert after every meal, looks far older than his actual age, wants to understand life's perpetual questions, wears his heart on his sleeve at all times, a gentle giant, so much like his father in all things it can be overwhelming, pushes me to be a better mother everyday.

The Wild Hair - supposed to be the baby - we all fear him, free spirit, undomesticated in the best sense of the word, independent, overly loving to his mama, wild at times (many times), a quirk, teetering between baby and big boy, thinks he is older than One-of-a- Kind, calls all meals snacks, can't get along without his lambie (snugly little stuffed animal), dissolves the walls that we put up as adults with one simple, robust laugh.

The Tiniest Hair - a blessing given to us without asking - the littlest member of our crew, a surprise from the first day in my womb, an answered prayer that was not openly prayed, a little bear, hope for our future, a joy to watch unfold in the life of his brothers, an endearing smile, my moment to slow down and acknowledge the blessings I have been given from the fountain of His Grace.

And then there is me, The Rat's Nest.  You know the messy jumble of hair that occurs on the back of your head when you sleep at night.  You have the best intentions when going to bed with straight hair and then the outcome in the morning light is not at all what you had intended.  That is me!  I am not all what I had envisioned myself to be.  Some days I feel as though I am better than planned and then other (most) days I am much worse than the finished product was supposed to be.  But, just like the rat's nest, all can be combed and coaxed out of this crazy muss and can be fixed anew through faith.  This product is hopefully far from being finished.  It is my heart's desire to follow the path laid down by my God and find joy in doing so each day. 

I humbly lay out our life for you and others to peruse.  I have gained moments of calm in my soul from other blogs out in the world of cyber-space, and thought I could offer my own two-cents.  I have so many fears that I am not glorifying God, raising my children, loving my husband, respecting my parents, befriending others, and offering thanks in a gratifying way each day.  So, I welcome feedback, criticisms, wisdom whenever the whim strikes you.  I believe it truly does take a village to make the most of everything we have been given.  Separately, we couldn't survive a day.  Together, the Curlee Hairs are able to exist living moment to moment and trying to live "above the line" in everything we do.  I hope you will travel on this adventure with us offering any goodness you have!

{The Tiniest Hair}

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